
Rest and set with a Reiki session or Limpia/ energy cleanse, by Gwendolyn at her studio in Southgate or home studio in Livonia. Relax with the soothing frequencies of sound bowls, tuning forks, guided meditations and more!


Reiki is a Japanese Technique to help with stress reduction and promote healing. Holy Fire Reiki is dedicated to helping us release negative energy and conditionings that prevent us from being our Authentic Selves. Release byoki- negative energy, limiting thoughts, and keep strong boundaries.

Limpia/ energy cleanse

A limpia is a cleansing or spiritual healing ritual specifically for removing any negative energies, either yours or that others throw at you.

During a limpia, curandera and energy worker (Gwendolyn), will perform a cleansing that focuses on removing any negative energies and restoring balance and well-being.

Gwendolyn uses various techniques to cleanse including resin incense, herbs, sound frequencies, and/or use a local fresh egg around the body for a traditional cleanse.


Book a session

Book a session by Gwendolyn at the studio in Dark II Light 16071 Eureka Rd, Southgate, MI 48195. Click here for more information.

Interested in a home visit? I can come to the comfort of your home. Email me to inquire a home Reiki or Limpia/ Cleanse at .